Review: Elegy of a Fragmented Vineyard

Z.S. Diamanti

8/30/20241 min read

Kaden Love has created a brilliant and complex web of culture and political intrigue layered with a fascinating magic system.

Political fantasy books have never been my go-to, but Elegy featured unique courts and magic systems that drives you forward, wondering what other mysteries and intricacies the world of Facet might hold.

The magic system--the basis for the main conflict and the rising civil war--is dependent on the harvesting of special organs from infants. These organs are transplanted into people the bureaucracy deems worthy. It's a gruesome and loathsome staple in their society, but some of the courts are tired of the horrid practice.

This is a multi-POV book, but one of the main characters, Phenmir, is a surgeon-turned-general who previously was forced to perform the procedures. Now, he rises up with a rebellion bent on ending the practice once and for all.

If you love political fantasy or intriguing magic systems, this is one you won't want to miss.

A Short Review

Elegy of a Fragmented Vineyard by Kaden Love

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